Investing together

Exclusive real estate investments in Mallorca

Become an exclusive partner of our investment projects

Benefit from our many years of experience in the Mallorcan real estate market and our network. We find exclusive projects for real estate investments in Mallorca and implement everything on site.

Investments with Mallorca real estate

Thanks to our network and years of experience, we have access to special off-market properties. The stable real estate market offers optimal opportunities for strong returns through new construction or renovation.

Our real estate investments

With around 10 years of experience, we design, plan and prepare everything. Our partners and in-house construction and renovation services guarantee top quality. In addition to the entire implementation of the project, we also take care of the optimal sale on Mallorca. In this way, we regularly achieve high returns.

Insights into Mallorca investments

Real estate project in the southwest of Mallorca

Property investment (sold)

Your exclusive investment partnership in Mallorca

  • We take care of the entire process: from planning, purchase and application, to implementation with specialist companies and sale
  • Exclusive off-market projects and properties
  • Best cost-benefit ratio through the use of in-house services, contacts and local partners
  • Top returns thanks to years of experience in the real estate market
  • Maximum transparency in German, English and Spanish

Years of experience

Percent Ø yield

Days / year in use

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